Class Fees: Class fees must be paid at time of registration or on-site. We accept the following credit cards: American Express, Master Card, Visa or debit cards.
If you need to cancel your registration: You must call the office at least 48 hours prior to the starting date of the class. If the class had a fee, you will receive a credit voucher for the class. There is a $5 processing fee per person, per class. Fees may be paid by credit card or check. Make checks payable to HWBC and mail to 9800 Northwest Freeway, Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77092. An in-house credit voucher (no cash) will be issued good for one year from the starting date of the class toward any other HWBC class. Credits are not provided for free classes.
Canceled Classes: A full refund is available within 12 months of the date of the HWBC canceled class.
Rescheduled Classes: Refunds are not issued for classes that have been re-scheduled or postponed due to inclement weather and/or circumstances beyond our control. HWBC will attempt to reschedule classes that are not held due to these circumstances. If you can’t attend the rescheduled class, a credit voucher will be available.
Bad Weather Policy: In the event a class is canceled or rescheduled due to inclement weather, our office will contact you via email. Refunds are not issued for classes that have been postponed due to inclement weather and/or circumstances beyond our control.
Returned Checks: There is a $25 service charge.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the building of the WBEA. There are designated smoking areas outside.
Changes: Houston Women’s Business Center reserves the right to change class locations, dates, fees, class sizes, and instructors.
Registration Information
It is recommended to register within two weeks of start date of desired training or seminar due to limited seating. Registrations can be made via mail, phone, fax, or email. Walk-ins are welcome and will be accommodated on a first-come basis as space allows.
Class Fees: Class fees must be paid at time of registration or on-site. We accept the following credit cards: American Express, Master Card, Visa or debit cards.
Scholarships: Scholarships valued at 50% of the class fee are available upon request. Candidates must be an active HWBC client to receive a scholarship. Scholarship requests must be submitted in writing via email to wbc@wbea-texas.org at least one week prior to the start of the class. Scholarships are reimbursed after completion of the training class.
Donations: As a federally funded non-profit, donations are accepted at any time. Donations help to provide scholarships, low- cost trainings and free mentoring.
If you have any questions, please call our office Monday thru Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm at 713-681-9232 or email wbc@wbea-texas.org.
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Houston Women's Business Center Title Sponsor

www.sba.gov Houston Women's Business Center
Program Partners
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement
with the U.S. Small Business Administration
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the WBC office at 713-681-9232 or via email at wbc@wbea-texas.org to setup the arrangements.